Daily Archives: April 16, 2010

My Dilemma


Ok I am struggling with something here. Although I am pleased with my initial weight loss since giving birth I am not happy with this in between stage. I know the only way to conquer this is to workout. But I really don’t want to. I am so tired and when I have a moment of free time I’d rather do just about anything other then workout!!! S0……do I workout or not?? Today I am choosing NOT 😉

My Black Hole


I swear there must be a black hole in my house somewhere. There are a few things that have just disappeared and we cannot find them!! First is one of JoJo’s shoes. This one has been missing for a few months now. I know that as soon as I give up and toss this shoe the other will turn up….so I have been holding on to this in hopes of finding its mate. Second to go missing is JoJo’s yellow cup. Hmmm….is there a common thread here? (JoJo) This cup has been missing for about 2 weeks or so. The third to go missing is a pair of JoJo’s sneakers. I know I’ve seen them since Gus was born. I have looked high and low for these things: under all beds, inside all toy boxes, behind the couches, in both of the little one’s closets, under the computer desk, downstairs in the family room and inside my van. I cannot think of another place to look? My guess is maybe these items have been thrown out? But I’m sure I would notice a pair of sneakers or a cup in the garbage right???