Tag Archives: friendship

How Much Do You Do?


How much work do you personally do in your relationships? Not just the one with your spouse….the ones with your friends too.

With Hubby I’d say it’s like 40/60. Honestly I can say Hubby does more work than me. He has more patience with me then I have for myself 😉 It works for us.

As for my friends that is where it gets very uneven for me. I have some friends that are a nice 50/50. We text, talk, Facebook and hangout. Then I have other friends that I’d say were more 60/40. I do more texting and talking but it still goes both ways. Then there are the friends I feel like I do almost all the work. I feel like if I didn’t make the contact the entire relationship would just fizzle away. As I write this I am wondering if maybe that is what I should do (let the friendships dissolve) as it seems as if that is the way it is headed.

Well now I have something to ponder………what should I do????

I Don’t Have A Witty Title For This Post!


So it’s been quite a while since I last posted. Some nights I lay in bed and compose an entry…only to forget it once I wake up. I have been pleasantly busy since school has started. I started going to MOPS again. I was a bit nervous because I knew the moms that I had problems with while I was in the hospital on bedrest would be there. But being stronger now then I was then I did it. It was a bit awkward a few times but all in all I had a great time. I also went to another MOPS group a few towns over. My friend around the corner from me invited us. So now I have 2 MOPS families 😉 Jo-Jo loves his MOPS-school as he says it.

Busy Bee’s cheer season is coming to an end. I believe we only have 2 or 3 games left 😦 We both have thoroughly enjoyed this. Next year I think I may volunteer to be a coach. She is also busy with her Daisy Scout troop. My Busy Bee truly is very busy!!

I have also been quite busy with Goober and football. Picking up from practice, dropping off at practices and games and attending what games I can. He has worked very hard at this. I feel bad that our school doesn’t have a better team. He comes home so disappointed when we don’t win 😦

Gus has been growing in leaps and bounds. He continues to amaze and amuse us. He still enjoys being worn and sleeping with mommy. It’s like he must be close enough to touch me at all times. I am not complaining tho….he very well may be our last blessing 😦 We have been busy enjoying our time at MOPS and our playgroups. There are 2 Christian playgroups we go to. It is good for Gus to play with other children while I am close by as he has a very difficult time separating from me!!!

Ry-Guy is my “slug” kid. If you look at him it seems like he is barely moving lol! He is pretty much doing the same ‘ol, same ‘ol. He is still dating the same girl since February. They mostly text and talk on the phone. He has adjusted as well as he can for high school. He is doing good in school….just not doing well in the waking-up-on-time department 😆

Let’s see who is left??? Chip!!! Well I guess he is my other “slug” kid 😆 As of now he is not doing any activities. We may start boy scouts soon? I just have to see when they meet. Hubby’s job is moving to a new location an hour away from home in the next few weeks and I’m not sure he will be home to take him to the meetings.

As for me…..I have sold a few of my carriers!! I may re-open my Etsy store soon. I’m taking my time on deciding…don’t want to stress myself out. We have also started going back to church.The time was right for us. It feels good to be back. Right now I am in a very good place. I am enjoying each moment as best as I can. I know that at any moment it can all come crashing down (not that I am wishing for that!!)

Check All That Apply


I wish I could take a survey from all the people I come across. I am really curious on how I come off to others?? I must seem unfriendly or unapproachable because as far back as I can remember I am the one who makes the first move in all of my relationships.

So when meeting Chrissy for the first time does she seem:

Check all that apply




_ UNAPPROACHABLE (If so explain why?)







_ OTHER – Explain in detail

Well I know I will never get my answers. Maybe I’m not meant to know?? But some days I feel invisible and I wonder what the reason why is? I must be putting something negative out there because it has always been this way for me 😦 If I could just figure it out I could fix it. 😕

Whispers Of The Heart


I’ve been feeling pretty sentimental the past few days. After reading a very emotional blog entry about breastfeeding over at Raising Arrows I started to look at my feeding sessions with Gus in a new light. I’ve always enjoyed nursing my babies but I could get a little impatient when I had to stop what I was doing so that I could breastfeed.

Reading Emily’s Story I was in tears.  Two dates jumped out at me while reading that heartbreaking entry. The first was Feb. 10, 2008.  My water broke exactly 2 years later. I was  just 28 weeks along.  And the second was Feb. 14, 2008. Exactly one year later was the day my sweet baby Job Andrew went to be with the Lord.

All of this combined with the reconnecting with and old friend and the upcoming one year anniversary of the dates I mentioned earlier has had me feeling quite emotional. The good emotional 🙂

I don’t know how to tie this up. Usually I wait until I can find something witty or profound to say……but I think I’ll end it like this. Until next time.