Tag Archives: Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving


This year I have a lot to be thankful for!

Healthy children, my pregnancy, my hubby & his job that he works so hard at, my home, my church & church family, my friends, Jesus & the freedom to worship as we please, the help of strangers, my local food pantry, my van & so much more! I just can’t think. All that I have I am so very thankful for. It has not come easy and that makes me appreciate all the more!!


Getting Ready For The Big Day!


Thanksgiving!!! This used to be my least favorite holiday. The last few years it has become one of my favorites 😉 We have a very quiet day. It’s only hubby & the kids. No extended family, no running to some one’s house for a meal……..just US!! We start the day with the kids “spanking” the turkey. It’s something my mom did with us when we were little. All the kids slap the turkey a few times before I season it. Once the hands are disinfected and the turkey is in the oven we eat breakfast. Nothing special…whatever the kids want. Then we turn on the parade. This keeps the little ones busy all morning. I pop back and forth from the kitchen to the living room to see what ever beloved character is on the screen at the moment. On the menu is turkey (of course) homemade gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn, string beans, cranberry sauce (the jelly kind) and rolls. Not too much food since it’s just US. Then for dessert we have apple pie w/ ice cream, chocolate cream pie and I usually make my famous peanut butter pie. This year I will make cheesecake instead since it’s hubby’s favorite. We do all of this before 4:00. Why?? Because the Cowboys are playing at 4!! If we ate any later hubby would be eating in front of the tv lol!!! We snack on leftovers for dinner & snacks until bedtime.

I try to get to bed early because I get up very early so I can go Black Friday shopping with my mom!! I’ve been doing this for several years now. I usually don’t get much Christmas shopping done. But it’s a great way to kick off the Christmas season and spend some time with mom. One year I even brought JoJo with me. He was about 3 months old and I was EBF. This year mom and I are going to AC Black Friday night to see a show. I can’t wait!!!


Feeling Pretty Darn Good!


I have to say these last few days I have been feeling pretty good (emotionally) Now my physical self…that’s another story! With each passing day I am feeling more hopeful now that I am in my second trimester. I am looking forward to my appointment this Wednesday. I am really looking forward to seeing the baby and hoping to find out if it’s a boy or a girl. Either way I have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!

One Day To Go!!


As I sit here this morning I am trying to relax. Because I know that once I walk away from the computer and “start” my day it’ll be crazy for the next few days!! We let the big boys stay home from school today so I’ll have a full house LOL! I’d like to get some baking done. We have some cleaning to do. And then there’s all the pre-Thanksgiving meal preps that must be done. I’m still trying to figure out what time to put in the 20 Lb. turkey I got! LOL!!

Then of course there’s Black Friday shopping! Although I don’t see me having much money to spend 😦

So to all who read this: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!