Tag Archives: sonogram

From One Extreem To The Next


My life is either extremely quiet and boring or busy and crazy. No in-between. Example…..last January I am pregnant with nothing going on….Febuary my water breaks and I am in the hospital on bed rest. Two weeks ago life was quiet (as quiet as can be with 6 kiddos) and all was well…….Last week started an endless trip to doctors!! Thursday I took JoJo in for an ear infection, Friday I took Gus in for a cold, Monday I had my 6 week postpartum check up, Wednesday I was at the doctors for a tender spot on my ankle that was swollen, Wednesday afternoon I was at the hospital for a sonogram of my leg (my doc thought I may have a blood clot [which I do not have PTL]) and Thursday morning I was getting an x-ray of my ankle!

I guess I should be thankful that I do not have too many super busy times (or at least I haven’t had too many in the past other then the whole water breaking early thing! ) Hopefully this isn’t the start of a new trend for my family………..

Day 35


Happy Birthday to Me!!!

This will certainly be a birthday I will never forget! My mom came by for a surprise visit this morning with a bunch of balloons 😀 It was a very nice visit! I also had 2 of my nurses come in and sing happy birthday to me.

I had a sonogram today. My AFI was 7 and the BPP was 8/8. They estimated the baby now weighs 4 lbs. 6 oz.

We Have A Heartbeat!!! ♥


The sweetest sound an expectant mommy can hear – the beating of your baby’s heart ♥!!! I had my first sonogram yesterday. The baby was measuring bigger then my dates by 8 days so my due date was changed from May 13th (my mom’s b-day) to May 5th.

Here is my sonogram picture. It shows the beginnings of the placenta.


Loooong Weekend…


If feels like this weekend has gone on forever. The big boys stayed home from school on Friday. There was a delayed opening and I had my sonogram so we let them stay home so they could help out with the little ones. Sonogram went great….saw the heart beating..lol…I go back in 4 weeks. Saturday hubby worked with a friend all day. My mom stopped over for a little while, then we ran and got Chip & Busy Bee’s hair cut. Sunday was church, which was much needed ’cause I didn’t go last week. And here we are on Monday which is a holiday (MLK day) so no school. I’m SO tired all I want to do is go to sleep. PTL the big boys are home and they can help out with the little ones.