Tag Archives: family fun

Summer Flew By!!!


In a week school will be starting. I can’t believe it!!! Our summer just flew by. Most of my days were spent driving Goober to and from football practice. He had to be there by 7am. So I pretty much did not get a summer off.

Busy Bee started cheerleading this summer. She loves it. This is something she was made for considering her very loud voice 😆 I volunteered to be the team mom. It’s a lot of work but I love it. I do best when I have something to keep me busy.

So what did we do all summer??? We got some beach days in. Hubby joined us for a few trips too. We spent a lot of time hanging in the yard and enjoying the pool. I added some new ink to my “collection” and I got my lip and eyebrow pierced. I found time to get some reading in. I read about 6 or 7 books so far. If I keep up my reading hubby will buy me a Kindle :mrgreen: I had a rough time with my mom 😦 She is not loving my new look. As of now we are not speaking to each other.

Gosh writing all this down makes my summer seem so dull! It wasn’t our most exciting summer but I have to say I enjoyed myself.

I am looking forward to school starting. Busy Bee will be in full day so hopefully I will get more done this year. I’d like to start working with Jo-Jo since he wont be in preschool and maybe get some more sewing done too. I’ve been trying to save more money with coupons and I hope to have more time to search for good deals while the kids are off in school.  I really can’t think of anything else?? I’ve just been living day by day and enjoying what I can 😉

I do hope to get some more blogging in too 😉

Where Did The Year Go??


I cannot believe this year is almost over. It just flew by!!! I started the year pregnant and I am ending the year with a very busy 9 month old!!!

Highlights from the year – both good & bad:

Tons of snow

 My water breaking @ 28 weeks during one of the bad snowfalls

6 weeks of hospital bed rest

Baby Gus is born March 24, 2010 at 9:30 pm – 5lbs. 17 3/4″

7 days in the NICU for Gus 😦

Baby Firsts: smile, rolling over, solid food, creeping/crawling & pulling up

A quiet summer spent mostly at home (rare for me)

Busy Bee started kindergarten……sniff……

Maggie May joined our family

My oldest Goober broke his leg/ankle November 12th

And finally Christmas!!!!

It was a good year. One of the best yet. Gus has truly changed me. I am no longer a ball of stress and self-doubt. I cherish every moment I have with my children. I thank God every day for my family and friends!

My wishes for 2011?

Hmmmm……I can’t think of anything!!! Just more good times with my family ❤

Where Did The Summer Go?


This summer just flew by! In a few days my kiddos are starting school. I can’t believe it. Although it went fast, it didn’t go so fast that we didn’t enjoy ourselves. We had a blast at the beach, a positively pleasant time in our pool, a peachy keen time at the park, a marvelous time at the mall,  and a heavenly time relaxing at home. I wouldn’t change a thing! 

Beach fun



Relaxing at home

Riding the train at the mall