So Much To Say….So Little Time


I miss blogging. When I have a quiet moment (rare) I think about the things I’d like to blog about. Then things get crazy and I don’t seem to have time. These past few weeks since the baby was born have been so full. So full of activity, so full of emotions, so full of stuff!!!

I am still in awe of the fact that Gus is here. The end of my pregnancy was so surreal. It was difficult both physically & emotionally. I went on auto-pilot just to get through the whole ordeal. Now that he is here reality is setting in. He is here! I have 6 kiddos and my youngest is a 6 week premature infant!!! Wow……funny how life’s road twists and turns 😉

My little JoJo isn’t so little any more 😦 He has turned into a little boy. I could just sit and watch him play for hours (if I had the time 😆 ) Time is going by so fast and I try not to get wrapped up in the daily grind. I try to enjoy each child as they are. I remind myself to give hugs and kisses and to listen not only with my ears but with my heart. I try to remind myself to enjoy my gifts (my children)

My time in the hospital has taught me a lot. I know all of it has happened for a reason. It taught my hubby about my daily life with the kids. He now is more understanding of me and it has made our relationship so much stronger. And it has taught me to appreciate the little things. Be happy with what you have. It could all be gone in the blink of an eye!!

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